Whether it's your child or spouse, a parent, a dear friend, or a co-worker, we all have someone in our life with a hearing issue.
With that comes challenging situations that can make YOU frustrated because you don't know the best way to help.
Read more below, and I encourage you to sign up by yourself or together with your friend, family or co-worker.
Friends, Family and Co-workers of People with Hearing Loss
Challenging Situations
Do you find it difficult to communicate with your friends or loved ones with hearing loss?
Do you get frustrated when you know they didn’t hear you, but they pretend they do? (We call this bluffing)
Do you wonder if they’re just not paying attention?
Do you wonder if they comprehend what you’ve said? (hearing versus understanding)
Do you know the kindest way to tell a person with hearing loss when they’ve misheard what you said but you don’t want to embarrass them?
Would you benefit from:
Learning strategies for more effective communications?
Understanding what a person with hearing loss goes through to hear on a daily basis?
Discussing your needs in a one-on-one session?
Hearing Loss Evolution offers:
Workshop on Communication Strategies: Offered both on-line and on-site
One-on-One coaching on dealing with your loved one or friend with hearing loss.
Workshops for people with hearing loss to get a deeper understanding of hearing loss.
You'll be able to communicate with a hearing impaired person more fluidly and experience more satisfying conversations.
You will be less likely to have miscommunications that can sometimes be misinterpreted by the hearing impaired person.
You will have a more knowledgeable understanding of what hearing loss entails.