What's an informational website without access to resources? Here it is!
If you're seeking specialized products to help accommodate your day to day living or looking for organizations that will have helpful information about hearing loss, you'll find what you're looking for below.
Products that I have used and like:
Below is a listing of products that I either use personally or have learned about from trusted friends and audiologists. Each of these will help make your every day life more comfortable and allow you to communicate better in a hearing world.
Canine Companion: Provides service dogs for people with hearing loss.
Caring for Deaf Seniors
CART – Communication Access Real-time Translation:
A trained operator using keyboard or stenography methods transcribe spoken speech into written text.
CaptionCall: If you have trouble hearing on the phone, this wonderful phone captions the words of the speaker. This product is available to qualified hearing impaired individuals for free from CaptionCall. The authorization is done through your audiologist and the product is paid for by the state.
Cochlear Americas: Cochlear Americas is the developer and manufacturer of my cochlear implant. I will always be grateful for the hearing that they gave back to my life.
Child Birth Injuries
Hearing Loops/Induction Loops:
This is wire that circulates a room enabling the sound to go directly into your hearing aids or cochlear implants through the t-coil setting.
Google Meet: Provides captions for video chats

Lace: On-line auditory training program.
Lifetone HLAC151: Bedside Vibrating Fire Alarm and Clock: Never worry about hearing your alarm or smoke detector especially at night when you take out your hearing aids or cochlear implant. This device vibrates to alert you when your alarm or smoke detector goes off. http://lifetonesafety.com/?page_id=52
Otter: AI App on Android and iPhone.
Generate rich notes for meetings, interviews, lectures, and other important voice conversations,
PocketTalker: Simple and inexpensive device that helps you hear in noisy environments.(Use with a 6’ extension cord on mic)
Ring: Never worry about hearing the doorbell or worry about who’s at your front door. This device alerts you to someone at your door as it monitors who’s outside on your smart phone, tablet, and PC monitor. https://ring.com/
Roger Pen: A wireless device enhances speech in noise and over distance performance. I personally have never used this product as I use Cochlear specific products but many people love this device. It is quite expensive.

Hearing Loss Organizations
Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)
Association of Late-Deafened Adults (ALDA)
SayWhat Club
Association of Adult Musicians with Hearing Loss(AAMHL) www.musicianswithhearingloss.org
AGBell www.agbell.org
National Association of the Deaf (NAD)
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communications Disorders, NIH www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/hearing/pages/coch.aspx
Safe 'N' Clear Surgical Facemask
Ninety-three percent of communication is in the non-verbal facial cues; improve communication with The Communicator clear mask.
One of the most difficult things we face is communicating with our medical and dental professionals. That can be a real problem when communication is the single most important aspect of our relationship with medical professionals.
The Communicator mask from Safe 'N' Clear allows the patient to see the mouth of medical professionals.